Uniqueness of Nusakambangan Island

Nusa Kambangan is the name of an island in Central Java is known as a place located several correctional facility (LP) ber high security in Indonesia. To reach this island people have to cross by ferry from the port of Cilacap in particular for approximately five minutes. The ferry port of this island called Wijayapura. Kambangan island, which has status as nature reserves, often used in addition to military training, is also a habitat for rare trees, but many have been felled illegally. Currently the remaining are mostly herbaceous plant, palm, and thickets. Pawlar timber that can only be found on the island is often stolen because once dried, has a quality equal to the wood from Borneo.  
It is located in the southern part of Cilacap city and separated from Java Island by Segara Anakan. Administratively this island is under Cilacap region, but Nusakambangan Island is under the responsibility of Department of Justice and Human Right. Other tourism objects in this island are: Ratu Cave, Permisan Beach, Pasir Putih Beach. 
Segara Anakan is located behind Nusakambangan Island, CIlacap Regency. Segara Anakan is a unique Laguna in southern beach Java Island, with ecosystem of mangrove that has composition and the most complete forest structure in Java Island. Various components of biological resource such as plants and animal habitation, land and water landscape interact each others and make a natural ecosystem. Segara Anakan is a part of Nusakambangan which is united into one spectacular spot that worth to be seen. The landscape of the land and its uniqueness offer an unforgetable and amazing view. It is guarantee that visitors will enjoy the beautiful and uniqueness of the island. 
Pendem Fortress complex in Dutch called "Kusbattery op de lantong te Cilacap." It is surronded by trench with wide 12 m, and there are some part of the building that can be seen untill up to this moment. Beside that trench there is also wall around this location completed with reconnaisance hole which is also fucntion as hole for shooting. This Benteng Pendem is unique fortress, because almost all of phisical part of this fortress are hidden in the ground, with wide ± 6.5 ha. In the fortress there is a number of buldings which is built in the ground. From numbers which is written on the building, it can be concluded that the building was built in1861-1879. Parts of the fortress are: barrack, defense, crypt/ tunnel, ammunition room, prison, space weapon, accomodation room, health room, well, fortress building, warehouse and kitchen building, stockhouse buiding, barrack buiding, chamber officer, surveillance building, trench. Administrativelly this building is located in Cilacap village, South Cilacap District in Teluk Penyu region ± 300 m western Teluk Penyu Beach. 

Source : http://tourismplacesindonesia.blogspot.com

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